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Marketing strategy by spreading the aroma?

Tips and Trick

Marketing strategy by spreading the aroma?

  • By, Admin
  • 23 Feb, 2022

When we visit a shopping center, we are sometimes enticed by the aroma that is emitted from a store, not only the aroma of the products they sell, but also the distinctive aroma of the room that they choose as a room deodorizer, attracting not only a few but also many visitors who are then attracted to visit the store and even becoming a factor. determinants of visitors to buy the products they sell.

Actually, you may not realize it, but dispersing goods aromas or selecting a standard room deodorizer for a store is a sort of marketing technique to entice clients to visit. 'Scent Marketing' is the name of this method.

Scent marketing, also known as sensory branding, is a strategy that is frequently used to grab consumers' attention, with the goal of activating the five senses of smell to elicit curiosity in potential customers. Establishing sensory branding is the same as building a brand image in the minds of consumers, according to Sindonwes.com. Humans have the ability to respond to stimuli in the form of images, scents, textures, and sounds, all of which are summed up in the five senses.

Some of the advantages of scenting in your business include providing a pleasant environment for visitors, increasing brand awareness, and triggering consumer loyalty.

The aroma of coffee that we generally sense at Starbucks, the aroma of bread flowing from Roti Boy's kitchen, Roti O', and also Breadtalk, which is ready to disseminate the wonderful aroma of freshly made bread, are all instances of businesses that use scenting, according to Marketing.co. Several airlines, like Singapore Airlines and British Airways, use this marketing strategy, as do Marriott hotels, which require all of their properties throughout the world to use one of the five Marriott distinctive smells.

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