BP2MI together with Siger Innovation Hub (Sigerhub) share education on productive economic development, Economic Empowerment for Retired PMI through Financial Education. Friday (11/26), Assyafiiyah Hotel Hall, Elephant City, Central Lampung. This activity is carried out by implementing health protocols.
In this agenda, Sigerhub had the opportunity to present simple financial recording materials for new business actors. "Hopefully, in the future, Retired PMIs can immediately practice this bookkeeping for their business, the fruit of this activity," said Ikhwan Ferdian as CEO of Sigerhub.
This activity is held to provide motivation, open insight,
and provide knowledge related to productive economic development through
entrepreneurial activities, investment, and productive businesses. In addition,
holding this activity can improve the family's economy for the welfare of
himself, his family and the surrounding community, and create jobs.
"This activity is a program aimed at PMI Purna friends
so that they are independent, so they can be productive in starting their own
business," said Praja Setiawati as the Person in Charge of BP2MI's Events.
This education was attended by twentSigery participants in the
highest age category 45 years, Indonesian Migrant workers who have returned
from abroad with a maximum work period of 14 years, Families of Indonesian
Migrant Workers who are still working abroad, and the general public who are
interested in owning a business. .
The implementation of this Empowerment education was carried
out for four days. A series of events filled with theory and practice involving
partners and stakeholders, including:
1. Entrepreneurial motivation and inspiration,
2. Entrepreneurial financial literacy,
3. Entrepreneurship and business management,
4. Practice or internship, and
5. Preparation of action plans.
"In the future, there will be similar programs that
collaborate with Sigerhub in any form. For example, financial training,
economic training, and others," said Sigit Sopandi as CPO of Sigerhub.
Sigerhub will always synergize with MSME coaching and
mentoring programs. Sigerhub is an incubator that focuses on building a
business ecosystem.
"This activity can at least make friends are at home to be productive," explained Opi, one of the Retired
PMIs from Taiwan.